Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I want to thank all the witnesses for coming and bringing really important testimony here today at this committee. Absolutely, we are hearing loud and clear from all of our witnesses about the urgency of making sure we deliver the supports that Canadians with disabilities urgently require. That's something that has been repeated time and again at this committee, and it's something that is guiding our work here.
We also heard very clearly in previous testimony at this committee from witnesses who urged “urgent passage” of Bill C-22 through the House and through this committee. We heard other witnesses say that this needs to move forward “without delay”. There was even one witness who testified and said simply “get 'er done”. That seems to be the sentiment we have heard time and again as well, that there is tremendous urgency.
I want to ask Ms. Bourgeois if she can comment on how vital it is that we get this bill and this legislation passed through committee and passed through the House.