I think MAID would become much more popular. You see it all the time on the news. I just watched on the news somewhere, where a man doesn't want to die, but he has gone on MAID because he is scared of being homeless. He would rather die than be homeless, even though he doesn't want to die.
I think there's hopelessness. If we don't get something to give us the opportunity to get employment—I'm getting a little too old for that, but there are some people who could make enough money and actually save something to get any transportation to get to work, or anything.... If there's absolutely nothing offered above the poverty line, it can't help anybody. We're just going to stay on the same route and get worse, and people with disabilities are just going to become sickly.
It is a disappointment. When they stopped it, the government simply.... After this big Vancouver conference, with people from all over the world.... We were seeing Russian guys with skateboards for wheelchairs.
It's changed in other countries. The United States didn't take any.... It was put in place. A lot of the businesses and the governments didn't like it because they said it was too harsh and too hard, but look at them today. If I go to the United States, I can go anywhere.
I heard they get cars in England. They actually give vehicles to people to find employment. They do things that go far and beyond. It doesn't have to be a cash amount. I think it has to be something that would benefit everybody.
How that's worked out, I can't tell you. Something needs to be done, because right now it's getting worse. It's disgusting that Canada, one of the top countries in the world, hasn't even looked at people with disabilities and said they need help. I see money going everywhere and elsewhere, to every other group, but I never hear of people with disabilities being mentioned.
I actually watch the Parliament channel. I watch the government. I look at the website. I don't see anything. It is very rare that we hear disability mentioned.
I don't know if that answers the question or gives you more problems, but that's how I feel.