The fact that the bill includes people with disabilities.... It talks about people of working age with disabilities, so I do believe this is the right focus for the bill. At the end of the day, I really do.
We have the Canada child disability benefit. Is it adequate? Should it be increased? Absolutely. We have the GIS: Is it adequate or should it be increased? Of course it should be. But the group that is the most impoverished among persons with disabilities is working-age Canadians. That's the only group for which we do not have a supplemental program, so I would certainly support that.
As far as the legislation itself goes, the framework legislation, at the end of the day it's about persons with disabilities. I hope that will grow up to include the broadest possible definition of “disability”. That's why it's so critically important for us to be at the table and fighting for those pieces when we get to the regulatory process.
I hope that answers your question.