I'm sorry, but I'm going to interrupt for a second.
Perhaps we can get the data, because we're just walking around in circles, here. I would appreciate getting the actual data with respect to units that have been funded under the coinvestment fund and what affordability criteria they met. In other words, how many units receive 80% of average market rent in that category, broken down by the year in which the program rolled out, as well as by province and territory? I would also like to get information on how many units, similarly, use 30% of the household's total income, so we can get a breakdown of what actually went down. Talking around in circles does not help.
Finally, I would like to know this: Who made the decision on that affordability criterion for the coinvestment fund, and at what juncture? The target of the coinvestment fund was supposed to be rents that did not exceed 30% of total income. That was supposed to be the affordability criterion, but somehow it has shifted. Is it a wonder the Auditor General found the program did not meet the affordability needs of the people who need it the most?
If I could get that information, I would very much appreciate it. Can I get confirmation that I will get that data?