Thank you.
On a different question, with respect to even the rapid housing initiative and the national housing coinvestment fund—both of these programs—the Auditor General indicated this:
[A]lthough the corporation knew that housing types likely to benefit vulnerable groups, such as transitional and supportive housing, were being funded, the corporation did not know whether priority vulnerable groups who were intended to benefit from approved projects were actually housed once projects were completed.
Could CMHC table this information? What data does CMHC have regarding who was housed under the national housing strategy programs specifically related to the six programs audited by the Auditor General, through which the government has spent $4.5 billion?
The Auditor General report also revealed that CMHC didn't know whether projects intended for priority vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities, were actually housing these priority groups.
My question is, can we also get a breakdown of those units? How many of those units were targeted housing for people living with disabilities?