Thank you.
Mr. Chair, I would push back a little and say that a plan and measurable targets would be a lot better than an aspirational goal. When you are spending $4.5 billion of taxpayers' money and you can't gauge homelessness.... I know that in my community of Peterborough—Kawartha, there are more tent cities, and there are people who are struggling. I'm very confused as to why it's so complex that you can't gauge that. I think that's very frustrating to Canadians and anyone who is watching so many people suffer.
I want to give you a very specific example. In my riding of Peterborough—Kawartha, there are people really working to solve the housing crisis. Peterborough Housing Corporation currently has an application for an 85-unit build, with a mix of senior, affordable, supportive and at-market units. As of today, there are 344 people on the by-name priority list. Twenty-seven are 65 years of age or older, and 60 are 55 years of age or older. Ten per cent of the people who are 55 years of age or older are currently living outdoors. As of September 16, 202 people are on the wait-list for assisted living in Peterborough through our VON.
I wrote a letter to the Minister of Housing, asking for support through CMHC, and it has come back to me that the minister has put it back on CMHC to see what you guys will do. It says that the “National Housing helping those most in need find a place to call home. This includes seniors, persons with disabilities, those dealing with mental health and addiction[s] as well....”
You have sent back a note here to this organization that has gotten approval, much to what you were saying: The neighbours are supportive; the community is supportive. They're solving that gap; they're closing that gap. They're helping. It is said that the situation has come up that CMHC is placing this funding in jeopardy. They're very frustrated, because you have not communicated with them in a timely manner.
I know you're at the top, and maybe you don't know that this is going on—my colleague, Mr. Long, brought this up—and you said you care, but these are the real stories of things that are not being completed because of the bureaucracy. I don't want an aspirational statement, with all due respect. I'd like to know how you prevent this from happening and what your response is to these people who are waiting on these homes.