Is there any further discussion?
Seeing no further discussion, I will call the vote on PV-9.
(Amendment agreed to: yeas 11; nays 0)
(On clause 9)
We will return to clause 9, which was suspended. There was a general discussion, but we had not proceeded beyond CPC-1. The discussion was on amendment CPC-1.
Before I open the floor to discussion on CPC-1, there was some discussion the last time we met. I asked the clerk to reach out so that committee members are aware that, when any member of the committee reaches out to legislative counsel to prepare amendments, they then have client-solicitor confidentiality between the member and that branch of government. As well, the department uses the Department of Justice legal counsel and the department to provide advice on the drafting of the bill.
What you have before you is the department's legal phrasing that is in an amendment proposed by Ms. Gray. Committee members will have to choose on supporting an amendment or supporting the original draft of the section of the bill.
I will now open the floor to discussion.
Go ahead, Ms. Gray.