It's a really exciting initiative and will make a significant difference in the lives of so many students, both as they work to pay off existing student loans and as they contemplate post-secondary education for the future.
Currently, there are about 1.8 million students who owe student loans. All of them are currently benefiting from the temporary freeze on interest, and those who haven't paid their loan off in the next couple of months will benefit from the permanent removal of interest from student loans. It goes hand in hand with our other efforts, whether it was doubling student grants or whether it was apprenticeship service. We're really trying to support a wide variety of opportunities and learner types, whether it's skilled trades, skilled training for existing workers or new entrants to post-secondary.
It's hard to quantify the impact, but the way the Canada student financial loan program works in Canada has resulted in some very effective ways of minimizing—not eliminating but minimizing—student debt, and eliminating interest is certainly a big part of the success story for students moving forward.