Madam Minister, I will listen to Mr. Groen's answer, but I must first point out that all the measures you are talking about, including the GST credit and CMHC, are general measures that will not in any way help seniors financially in the long term.
You mentioned the new horizons program, which is good. It helps seniors stay active, but it does not put money in their pockets or wallets to pay for groceries and medicine and get to the end of the month. What could help them is increasing OAS. For people living in poverty, their needs do not begin at the age of 75. I am repeating this because you have not been able to tell me why you continue to divide seniors into two classes with this program, which is offered to everyone as of the age of 65.
I will let Mr. Groen use the few remaining seconds to answer the question about the 70,000 seniors.