In terms of the national housing coinvestment fund, you've heard from President Romy Bowers that, halfway into the 10-year national housing strategy, that program has been able to get half of the results. They have the results that they were supposed to get halfway through the strategy.
In terms of the rapid housing initiative, because of the success of the first and second rounds, we're seeing that budget 2022 has again allocated $1.5 billion to the third round of the rapid housing initiative. This has been a really successful program for municipalities and non-profits to rapidly build deeply affordable homes for the most vulnerable. If you look at the money that we're bringing forward through the national housing coinvestment fund, it's $2.9 billion from future years to now, so that we can get more money out the door and build over 22,000 deeply affordable housing units.
I would say on all of the efforts and allocations in budget 2022, the effort is being made to either get the money out the door or to build the partnerships that are necessary to then flow the money. I'm very excited about the housing accelerator fund. I think it will make a huge and sustained difference beyond the life of the program, for example.