Well, I think the other witness from Quebec, in her testimony, gave a very good example of what happens.
In Quebec, we actually have three systems. We have a government-supported not-for-profit system, a government-supported for-profit sector, and then a private system that is supported through tax credits by giving money directly to parents.
What we know from the evidence of research that's being done is that the quality is best in the subsidized not-for-profit sector, in what are known as “centres de la petite enfance”.
Moreover, as the other witness said, it's not just a question of funding, because even where the funding is the same for the for-profit subsidized sector and the centres de la petite enfance, the quality is better.
The other thing that's really important is that if you have a publicly managed and publicly funded system it can be expanded in a way that really meets the public needs. The public interest comes first, and that's what has to happen.