While I can appreciate the intent of the amendment, it's important for us to make sure we focus on the way forward. Some programs have been announced, and I know that many municipalities are eager to find a way to make sure we start delivering the new options—affordable housing options—on the ground. Our greatest benefit would be to focus on the way forward and make sure we bring in the municipalities at all levels so there's a program we can implement going forward.
It was mentioned earlier that Finance is already looking at some of the elements that are being proposed in the amendment, and I'm agreeable as well to having CMHC focus on the way forward with us. We'll also have the minister in front of us when we're reviewing the mandate letters as we go forward. There is plenty of opportunity to take a look at what's in place now, and if we want to do a deep dive on that, we'd probably have a more effective outcome if we focused on that at another time.
In my mind, the urgency is the way forward and how we develop programs so that they're deliverable on the ground at the municipal level or where people are seeking the housing.