Yes, absolutely. As previously mentioned, our recommendation is that the national housing strategy no longer subsidize financialized landlords and that CMHC no longer provide preferential loans to financialized landlords. Lending companies must also be regulated so that they can suspend loans to entities that violate human rights, including the right to adequate housing. We also need to eliminate financial incentives and introduce a gains tax, including on real estate investment trusts. We need to build, acquire, and subsidize non-commercial social housing projects, housing co‑ops, and non-profit housing.
Scotiabank recently published a report recommending that, to properly control financialization, Canada needs a percentage of non-profit housing comparable to that of a number of European countries. These units include social housing or housing co‑ops, and they currently account for only 4% of all housing in Canada. So we have a lot of work to do in that respect.
National housing strategy investments should focus on acquiring and building new social housing and housing co‑ops.