Okay. It reads as follows:
“That, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), the committee undertake a study on: a) the financial challenges persons with disabilities face and how a benefit administered by the federal government, similar to the Guaranteed Income Supplement for seniors, would reduce poverty among working age Canadians with disabilities; b) the challenges persons with disabilities encounter when dealing with the federal government, how the government can improve access to federal programs and services for persons with disabilities and ensure that disability inclusion is considered in all government programs, policies and services; c) barriers to employment faced by persons with disabilities and measures the federal government can undertake to implement a robust employment strategy; and d) steps the Government of Canada can undertake to improve the social and economic inclusion of Canadians with disabilities; that the committee hold a minimum of eight meetings; that the committee report its findings and recommendations to the House; and that, pursuant to Standing Order 109, the committee request that the government table a comprehensive response to the report.”
Chair, I just want to say that this is something that is very, very important to me personally. We in this office deal regularly with the challenges that persons with disabilities face, their barriers to employment and the struggles they have. I know that previously we've had some wonderful witnesses at HUMA. Mark Wafer from Tim Hortons would be one. Randy Lewis from Walgreens would be another one. They talked about what they did in terms of employment.
This is an area in which this committee could really have a big impact on government policy.
I thank you, Chair, and hopefully the members of this committee will agree with me on how important this motion is.