I just want to say that I'm fully supportive of this. I'm really happy to see that it's a lot more expansive than the motion I put on the floor. I really appreciate this.
There is one thing that I wanted to ask for specifically. I'm looking at the corporate strategy document for CMHC for housing for 2021-25. The aspirational statement says, “By 2030, everyone in Canada has a home that they can afford and that meets their needs.”
Under “focus”, it says, “Understand needs of Canadians who are vulnerable,” and under “outcomes”, it says, “People who are vulnerable have reliable access to secure and affordable housing.”
I would ask the mover if they would be open to an amendment to just call out the fact that we need to start tracking accessible housing for persons with disabilities. I had an Order Paper request recently around tracking accessible housing in Canada. Unfortunately, we don't do a thorough job of that. In fact, there are many gaps in understanding how many units of accessible housing are available to Canadians and what's potentially being decommissioned in the gentrification of many of our neighbourhoods.
I'd just ask if the mover would be open to calling out, or at least tracking accessible housing.