I haven't finished.
I think there are so many parents who are so disappointed with what sounded like this amazing program, because it does sound amazing.
It sounds amazing, but there are no spots there and there's no labour force. It's actually having a “Matthew effect”. We have critics and professionals saying this. The Matthew effect is that an increase in public provision ends up advantaging high-income groups rather than low-income groups. We have on record, from the committee, Ms. Leila. Do you know what she is saying? They are absolutely certain that this is hurting the most low-income families.
There is no access, and unless this bill is changed to include a better labour supply and until you include all of these pillars, you are going to have these child care deserts. I know you're going to say that there are 250,000 spots, but that's not the reality on the ground. That's just what you're saying.