Welcome back.
The committee will resume its study on the financialization of housing.
To assist the interpreters, I want to kindly remind all members and witnesses to introduce themselves and to please speak slowly for the benefit of the interpreters.
You may speak in the official language of your choice. Translation services are available here in the room and virtually using the globe icon at the bottom of your surface.
I would remind those appearing not to take screenshots while the meeting is in session.
As well, if there's a breakdown in the translation services, please get my attention and we'll suspend while it is corrected.
Please direct your questions through the chair.
Today we have, from Comité logement Rosemont, Jean-Claude Laporte, community organizer; from the Parkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust, Joshua Barndt, executive director; and from the Skyline Apartment Real Estate Investment Trust, Krish Vadivale.
Welcome to the committee.
We will begin with Monsieur Laporte for five minutes.