From my personal experience, I haven't seen any disabilities come through the camp. It's very accepting. We would definitely accommodate for those who have those disabilities, but from my personal experience, I haven't seen this, especially physically because it's a very rigid program. It's athletic sports. However, we accommodate everyone's needs, where they're at and where they want to be, and then we guide them to that place where they would like to be at the end of that summer.
Even with the academic part, we have had kids who don't learn as fast as maybe some of their peers. For example, I would sometimes take a group of kids and bring them to a room and work with them and go at their own pace. Whatever they may need help with, whatever they're struggling with that others may not be, we accommodate for them because we also don't want them to be looked at differently because they may be getting special treatment or they may be a little slower than the other kids. We take them in that confined space and make sure that they're going at their pace, that they don't feel rushed and that they don't feel any type of...especially from the other kids. We just work with them in those aspects.