That is a really important area for people in need. Understanding what their needs are is a fundamental part of Reaching Home. There is a mandatory requirement called “coordinated access” that gets down to the individual level of understanding. Is it mental health? Is it addiction services? Are other health services needed? There is administrative support so that the person does not have to go looking within the community to find their support. It's tailor-made for them to be able to get them to medical appointments, addiction services or job training and to help them find a placement in a home. There are regular check-ins. It is very much tailored by the community for the community, so they prioritize based on the needs of the individuals they're serving.
It's an international best practice. It's not just about putting a roof over someone's head; it's about that alignment and integration of the wraparound services that you mentioned that go beyond the person getting somewhere appropriate to live. That gets at the heart of Reaching Home.