All right. I understand better.
I would say that this is not new to AI, this dynamic where the ideas, the thoughts and the perspectives of workers are getting coded into AI, just as the perspectives of programmers who build social media websites get encoded into the programming and the code behind the website.
I would say that this maybe isn't a new topic. I think that having workers who are thinking about these issues—for example, representation and how we account for different viewpoints—and having people with those ideas embedded into the engineering side of these tools is really powerful for exactly that reason.
Another thought that comes to mind is that the generative AI tools we're seeing now that are making big waves, things like ChatGPT and Midjourney for image generations, these are not things that I could produce here with my laptop or even with the computers I have at my lab at the university. These really are things that require collaboration between smart people who can write very effective code and huge amounts of resources on the computing side and the training side of these AIs. I don't think that something like ChatGPT would have emerged without a collaboration between the smart people who do the coding and the resources that the company can put behind a project like that.