Thank you.
Let me make it absolutely clear: Federal lands that are made available to communities are made available only for affordable housing. They're made only to make sure that the housing that goes on those federal lands will add to our stock, our national numbers of affordable housing. I can make that absolutely clear. No federal lands will be used to build housing that is not affordable. It will always, always be on that condition. Anyone who wants to access the federal lands initiative has to abide by those conditions.
The second point I want to make is with regard to something you spoke about. In no way, shape or form did I imply that there's a problem with municipalities, per se. We work very closely with municipalities. In fact, on our rapid housing initiative, we were able to exceed our targets because of our close collaboration with municipalities and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. We intend to work with them through the housing accelerator fund, because we recognize that projects are taking too long. The supply of housing needs to come on board faster and in larger quantities.
When I say “housing supply”, I mean both deeply affordable housing and housing supply for middle-class Canadians. It's about incentivizing them to do that.