Yes. You transferred right into my next question.
It's kind of ironic, isn't it? When you're really struggling or depressed, or struggling with your own problems, the thing that makes you feel the best is helping someone else, but you almost can't seem to get to that point, because you're struggling so much. It's this kind of vicious cycle of what you just touched on.
To your point, there's a great success story. I think it's really important to have this read into the record, because it's such a powerful story. I had a chance to meet this gentlemen who was living on the street. He said, “Michelle, a year ago, I was the most miserable human. I hated the world.” He was in a very compromised situation.
He has now been housed in one of the modular homes that Peterborough has put up. He was a kind of natural security guard for the people on the ground. Through working with you and your organization, Christian, he now is paid to do that and is a very respected, trusted person within that circle. I would just love you to tell the story of this gentleman.