Good morning, committee members. The clerk has advised me that we have a quorum and the sound tests have been done, so we are ready to begin. I will call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 99 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format pursuant to the Standing Orders. Members are attending in person or by using Zoom.
Please wait until I recognize you by name before speaking. For those participating by video conference, click on the microphone icon to activate your mic, and please mute your microphone when you're not speaking. Interpretation is available. You have the option to speak in the official language of your choice. If there is a disruption in translation, please get my attention by raising your hand or using the “raise hand” function. I will suspend while that is being corrected.
I would also like to remind members to please, when you can, speak a little slowly for the benefit of the translators. I would ask those in the room to keep your earpiece away from the microphone when you're not using it, because it can lead to feedback that could harm the hearing of the translators.
Please direct all questions through the chair. Wait until I recognize you. As I said, if you wish to speak, please raise your hand and I will recognize you.
I want to thank Ms. Gray for sitting in and chairing Monday's meeting of the committee. Thank you, Ms. Gray.
At that meeting, it's my understanding there was unanimous agreement to resume debate on the motion that was being discussed at the conclusion of that meeting. It was a motion moved by Ms. Falk at the start of the meeting.
I will first give the floor to Ms. Falk to reread her motion. Then I will go to Mr. Fragiskatos for an amendment to the motion.
Ms. Falk.