In Quebec, unlike the other provinces, we have our own immigration agreement. So there is a division of responsibilities. The main difference between your system and ours may reside in the fact that we have a department dedicated to the development of immigration policies, whereas, in your case, the Department of the Interior does that, so it's much more focused on security, sovereignty protection, and so on. That's one major difference between the Canadian system and yours.
Our immigration model differs depending on the province you're in. In Quebec, the model is necessarily different as regards permanent residents and selection. Quebec has full power over immigrant selection. You can understand why: French is important for us, since more than 80% of the Quebec population speaks French. So we have different integration concerns.
On the other hand, what remains under federal jurisdiction are family reunification and refugee issues.
As regards investors, Quebec has a different model. The federal model is offered, but, if you go to Quebec, the preferred way of managing the investor category is different there.
I could give you a document prepared by the Quebec government which very clearly explains the differences between the federal immigration system and the one in Quebec.