First of all, you wouldn't be a very good MP if you didn't raise issues that affected your riding.
Right now we're dramatically increasing funding overall to the provinces, including B.C. B.C. makes decisions about how to spend that money, so I think there's an avenue there for you to pursue this further.
I am reluctant to get into providing those kinds of capital projects. I think the better role for the federal government is to provide funding so that provinces and settlement agencies can do what they do best and know best, which is how to make sure that people do get the outcomes they need.
I appreciate your situation in Vancouver and Burnaby. You do welcome a lot of new people into the country. It's a difficult situation. We're always willing to talk, but I think the best way for us to help is to continue to provide money directly to the groups that are committed at a real heart level to helping people, and I think we'll get results that way.