Thank you very much.
On behalf of the committee, I want to thank you for coming along. You've given a lot of good information. It's too bad we don't have more time, but there it is. Thank you.
We will just give our witnesses time to move out, and the Canadian Bar Association will be taking the chairs in just a moment. We have to bear in mind as well that we have committee business after the Canadian Bar Association. We have a fairly straightforward motion from Andrew that we have to deal with.
Right now, on your behalf, I welcome the Canadian Bar Association: Stephen W. Green, executive member, national citizenship and immigration law section; and Tamra Thomson, director of legislation and law reform.
Welcome. It's good to have you here today. You have a presentation to make to us. Generally, it should be in the order of about 10 minutes. Anyway, feel free to go under or a little over that; we won't smack the gavel.
I'll just pass this over to you.