I think dual citizenship has its advantages as well. I know with this particular incident, when you look at the numbers--and I think it was in the news--that obviously there is a question in Canada whether we did the right thing, or, if the incident were to happen again, should we spend that money and effort to bring people here only to learn that they will be going back. That is a question that needs to be debated, and I think that's a good experience. But at the same time, I think dual citizenship creates a lot of advantages for Canada. I don't know how we deal with the taxation. I think we need to look at the taxation. I think we have people who came here from Hong Kong, for instance, who have gone back. Or people come here and they go to their country of origin to do work.
I think if we take care of the taxation, we are going to cover the costs that from time to time we have to undertake because of incidents like the Lebanon situation. But overall, I think it would give a leading advantage to Canada to attract people to come here, if those people could also keep their other nationality.