Sure. The information actually is available quite conveniently on the website of Citizenship and Immigration Canada. They have processing times by different categories.
If we look at dependants of refugees, the family members of refugees in Canada, we gave you some of the statistics for the very long processing times. If we look for some of the visa posts where things do move along quite quickly, 50% of cases in Kuala Lumpur were done in three months--in fact, 80% of cases were done within three months. In Seoul 50% were done within two months; in Berlin, four months; in Vienna, five months. There are posts where things do, in many cases, work quite well, and of course we would feel a lot differently if that were the case across the board.
It's very difficult for refugees. It's difficult for organizations that are working with refugees to see that some people are arriving in a few months and for other people it's taking a very long time. Certainly in some of the regions, notably Africa, where it's taking a very long time, people also wonder why that is and they make allegations that may be misplaced, but they feel there is a prejudice against African refugees.