How do you think we should proceed? Everyone here seems incensed at seeing how these people are imprisoned, but, on the one hand, when I look around, no one there seems to have done much in the past four years. On the other hand, I don’t know if there is more they would like to be doing.
I imagine if someone is arrested in the street that, first of all, it is important to know why and the person involved should also know why. It’s one thing if the authorities want to maintain confidentiality and not divulge some information, but at least the person’s lawyer should be informed of the information in order to prepare a defence.
According to what I understand and what you’ve told me today, we arrest someone on the street, we think that maybe we have reason for doing so, but we don’t tell anyone. This is kept secret and the files are hidden. We put the person in prison and we leave him there. Then, one day, we let him out.
Is that how it works?