Thank you very much again for attending and making a presentation. Certainly I have read your material, and it's a concept that is innovative. Having a one-stop place makes a lot of sense. I wonder if you have looked at other models, not necessarily in Canada but perhaps elsewhere, to see if that type of concept has been put in place, whether it can be emulated and whether you can learn anything from that.
I was taken aback a little with some of the statistics you have in terms of the refugees in Burnaby, particularly in the school population. I note that about 255 students out of a total population of 427 in Edmonds were relatively new to Canada. Over 70% spoke languages other than English, and a total of 27 different languages were spoken in the school. That must provide an incredible challenge, for sure.
I noticed that the Open Door Society in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, indicated they had support workers being sent into both elementary and high schools to provide assistance with homework, language, and mediation among students, parents, and teachers, partly because of some of the issues you have raised. So the problems that are being faced are common throughout our country, I suppose, and other countries.
Have you looked at other models, not necessarily in our country but outside, to see how they might be implemented or how they might affect the model you're putting together?