I don't have the letter with me, but if I remember correctly, it has to do with how things have changed so much in the last few years because of the security concerns, especially this issue of material support. For example, if someone is considered to have given material support to some group that could be recognized as being somewhat of a terrorist group in their country, then when they apply for refugee status in the United States, they will often be refused. We have a whole bunch of examples of this.
When you look at what is considered material support, it is sometimes almost ridiculous—somebody who perhaps had to offer material support under duress, or some situation in which someone is living in a regime that is very undemocratic and that person in some way has given even insignificant help to some group that is in contestation with the government. If this can be shown, they are excluded as a refugee claimant.
As you say, it's signed by about 20 or 25 leaders in the United States, really bringing to the attention of the President that whatever this material support was supposed to mean, it is being used in a way that is really detrimental.
Thank you.