We're receiving very little; in fact, I think it's just the standard services. We're finding that the difficulty people are feeling everyday is that they are just not getting the basic services. What they are getting is through what we can provide unofficially from our own resources. There aren't any services outstanding from either the federal or provincial governments directly for the refugees; they are finding their own way through the maze. That's why we're here for the facility we're proposing.
The multi-service hub would be the one-stop welcoming place for anyone who needs any kind of help. That includes both from the translation perspective and that of getting people to where the services are needed.
Right now people are basically confused; they're lost. They go to their own community leaders looking for some help, who are also stretched for resources and having difficulty meeting their own day-to-day needs because they're also having a difficult time adjusting.
The other day leaders from the Sudanese community came to us and to our local MPs and MLAs and said, we have no place to go; can the city look after some of the immediate issues? As I said in my presentation, we just don't have the resources.