Mr. Minister, yesterday on the Hill there were a number of folks visiting us who were raising the question of the countries to which we don't deport people, because even when there are failed refugee claimants, for instance, we've determined that it's not safe, and for their own protection they're allowed to remain in Canada. We heard the stories of these people who can't participate fully in life in Canada. There are some really dramatic restrictions on their ability to do that. Yet they're in this situation of limbo, of having to put their lives on hold indefinitely.
The Canadian Council for Refugees and their coalition partners have suggested that there should be a program in place whereby after three years these folks should be allowed to apply for permanent residence in Canada.
Yesterday in question period, you suggested that they had access to the H and C process. But again, a lot of these folks say that's a very expensive process, at $550 at least for an application and then any advice on top of that. And most of them are working only minimum-wage jobs. Because of the circumstances they're in, they're imposed on them. Also, that's a long process in itself. Often it will take them three years, and then they're told their applications in H and C aren't priorities because they're safe in Canada at the moment.
How do you respond to the need for a three-year program?