The provincial nominee program is a great program. I think the best example of how it works is in Manitoba, although I know, Ed, you have a sort of proprietary interest in how well it's working in Saskatchewan. But I think this is something that the provinces could utilize more, and we'd love to be helpful in making that happen.
In Manitoba, they bring in 4,600 people a year under the program. I think they have three classes: one is economic, one is family, and one is community. As far as I can tell, it's working very well to help Manitoba not only to bring people into their province but to bring them in for specific purposes, and in ways that will allow them to integrate into communities. Other provinces don't use it nearly as much. Alberta, I think, brought in 611 last year, and I think B.C. is ramping theirs up a bit. Of course, in Ontario we're still at the pilot project stage.
So I hope that as time goes on they'll play a more active role, because I think the best people to identify their needs are the provinces themselves.