People can apply now. There's actually information on the website. We expect that as many as 100,000 foreign students might be eligible for this. It's offered in conjunction with the colleges and universities. They have to decide to participate. There are criteria around it, things such as that you have to be enrolled for a certain amount of time before you can become involved in it.
It really is important. There's huge competition to attract foreign students around the world, and Canada has done a pretty good job of it, but we have to keep up. This is a pretty important initiative to attract people, and it just happens to come at a great time too, because we have a very hot job market. I don't think anyone would deny these students will be very valuable in filling all kinds of jobs. Hopefully what this will do is pave the way for them, if they decide to stay and become permanent residents, because they'll have earned valuable Canadian experience and language skills. All this is very important, of course, to permanent residency.
So it's exciting, and I was glad to be able to announce it.