Then I will say that this is on the paragraph marked “b”. Where it says “investigate current and ongoing complaints of those currently on hunger strike”, I would add:
specifically urgently addressing issues such as:
(i) medical attention in the living unit by a medical licensed practitioner, namely doctors;
(ii) detainees be released before dawn from their cells in order for them to be able to observe religious prayers, as called for by their religion;
(iii) they be allowed conjugal visits, as is afforded to other inmates;
(iv) they be allowed to access canteen facilities adhering to their religious beliefs;
(v) daily head counts should be done away with immediately;
(vi) when transferred from the living unit to the administration building, they be also accompanied by a supervisor from Correctional Services Canada.
The other amendment I would like to make is before the last paragraph. I'd like to make a further amendment that says:
And it further be resolved that protocols be put in place on a permanent basis in order to deal with these detainees and any future such cases.