Mr. Chairman, in order to answer this question, which is quite direct, I must say that we regularly receive training on the documentary evidence of each of these countries. In a few weeks, we will be beginning training on Mexico, for example.
Over the years, over the months, I have read extensively on the Middle East, and more specifically on Algeria, because this was the country that I heard talked about the most. I must tell you that when I enter a hearing room in the morning, after having spent a great deal of time preparing my file, each case is treated individually. What I may have heard or what I may have decided in the past is set aside and I start from zero every morning, every afternoon, with a new file.
I am not aware of the recent statistics that the member has just cited. As far as I'm concerned, if you're telling me that there have been more negative findings since the legislation was changed, I would have nothing to say on the matter. All that I can tell you is that every morning, every day when I prepare a file, it is examined as broadly as possible. I take notes. I ask the asylum seeker or his family questions. This is how I tackle each of the files. I would not want the member to think that, for a certain time, I have been viewing the situation in a more negative or positive fashion. As far as I'm concerned, when the file has been completed, it's over. I then look at the second file, and that is how I always tackle my work, with open-mindedness.