I'm not an expert in this area, but the explanation you gave sounded good to me. It sounded compelling in terms of why it should be implemented and why it doesn't necessarily need to add another layer.
I'm not asking this question from a partisan point of view. I'm asking you very sincerely.
You've had a whole bunch of ministers from all parts of the country, males and females from different parties. They surely would have been briefed on this by their officials, and they must have met with groups such as yours. I find the suggestion that it simply needs to be better explained to them to make them support it is hard to believe, given that it's their job.
I would think when you become Minister of Citizenship and Immigration, this must be one of the first things that lands on your desk. It would be kind of an open issue that you may be asked to deal with.
As I said, I wonder if there's not more to it than that. I quite frankly don't know what it is and why this hasn't happened.