Thank you for that response. I certainly appreciate the additional effort and dedication to this issue, and I hope you continue in that regard.
I myself happen to be in a riding that borders the United States. Certainly there are many along my constituency border that might be deemed to be border babies, in that many communities are almost right on the border or are very close to the border. Many of them may have been born in the United States, but for all intents and purposes, they reside in my constituency, do their business in my constituency, and in fact have every attribute of citizenship that one might imagine. They are not only well connected to my constituency, but I would consider them to be in every way Canadian citizens. So they have a substantial connection with Canada.
Tell us, what exactly is the legislation as it relates to what we call border babies, and how has that been dealt with? How will that be dealt with down the road should people identify themselves as being in that peculiar circumstance?