The comment I would make on it is that one of the problems we have had is that under the Liberals we had six ministers in 12 years, and under the Conservatives we've had two ministers in 14 months in total. I think the problem is that the ministers didn't have the grip on the portfolio that they really should have. This is a standard kind of situation, so it doesn't make any more sense to call on Monte Solberg than to call onDenis Coderre and the whole batch of them. Denis Coderre, when he introduced it, said we were going to have it within a year. So outside of taking up some time, I don't know if we're really going to resolve anything around it.
The legislation was drafted and passed by Parliament. Accommodations were made. Boards with two members went down to one with the understanding that we would have the appeal division, and it didn't transpire, notwithstanding that Parliament passed legislation.
I just don't know what they're going to contribute. What I told Mr. Devolin is that we have a problem in terms of having real direction for the department. So I think the ex-ministers' coming forward is not going to really address that.
I'm not laying any blame on the Liberals or the Conservatives. We're the only two groups that have been in government since this thing came in. I think we should just proceed and get it done, and find a way of putting in a mechanism with which we can make it work. I really think we can.