Mr. Chair, I would urge members of the committee to deal with this motion today. Whether we table it for another 10 or 15 days or we deal with it today, it is a matter of urgency. The stakeholders we are bringing in need to know that we're serious about this matter; they need to know that this committee is looking at it very seriously.
With no disrespect to our colleagues on the Conservative side, but some material that's been prepared by the department and trying to tell us why we shouldn't be supporting this motion certainly flies in the faces of the individuals who have been in Canada for the last five or ten years, some people even longer than that. They have been underground and they're trying to regularize their standing in Canada.
Certainly we've seen overwhelmingly the aggressiveness of this government and the department. Last year they took children out of schools to use them as bait for the parents to come out of asylum. I'm sure that my good friend Mr. Batters has seen this and read this. I know that he is a new member on the committee, but certainly this needs to be addressed and needs to be addressed immediately.
So I would urge all members to support the motion.