It is not necessarily a question.
Many business people have trouble obtaining a visa to travel to Canada. Processing of their applications, security checks, medical exams, take up an enormous amount of time and we are slowly eroding our advantage, compared to the European Union.
I am told that cases that are backlogged in Canada are ones that pose a security problem. However, the same applications are accepted in other countries, such as Australia and countries of the European Union. Often, these people have a lot of money, some are millionaires. They automatically obtain a European passport. That is one facet of immigration.
However, does this type of procedure exist for other categories of immigrants, such as workers? Are there other reasons why Canada does not want to eliminate obligatory visas? I believe that some of these reasons may be security reasons. Some people try their luck in different countries and find a way to enter them. I don't want to belabour the point, but security considerations could cause the United States to put pressure on Canada to keep the mandatory visa policies in place.