There are a number of people who are willing to help, who have experience, who have been trying to get this through to the citizenship department at the highest levels. I don't claim to be a citizenship expert. I didn't want to be, and I am not. But I know what's right and I know what's wrong. If this were an issue of justice, it would have been solved a long time ago. But it's got nothing to do with justice.
Is it seven governments we've seen that have ignored this issue? The Harper government has a perfect opportunity to look great, to not look like a Charlie Brown. But I don't see them taking the initiative to change things. I understand there's going to be some announcement today. Please, do the right thing.
Make it so that Pauline Merrette's sister can come back after being in exile since May 23, 1968, when she turned 24 years old and happened to be in England taking her nursing degree. To her father's great dismay and her mother's terrible sense of loss, their daughter was never allowed to come back here except for visits.
And do it for Denise Tessier and Suzanne Rouleau, who have been told, through a simple application for a driver's licence, that their whole world has turned upside down. Jim Karygiannis mentioned here earlier the security thing. It's going to apply to them. So in fact this will be another 15 months, or God knows how long.
They'll tell you the story. It's fascinating.
I also want to mention too, though, on the one hand that we have had some help from Ann Heathcote. I've got to give her credit. She has intervened and has been a great help. But I am Melynda Jarratt, who gets absolutely no help from anybody to do the work I do. I had to laugh when Lisa said the British High Commission sent her to the support group. The support group is Melynda Jarratt, who was up until 4:30 this morning trying to straighten out what I was going to say. I get no help from anybody. I'm completely independent. I've never gotten any help, even though I've asked. Melynda Jarratt is not the support group. You guys need to do this at CIC. That's what I'm asking.