One of the other issues I want to touch on is the one you've identified, and it's one that's giving us all a hard time: visas, and people getting temporary permits coming into the country. It really puts a lot of folks into hardship.
I noted that you said there don't seem to be uniformly applied standards for the decision, and I wonder if you could perhaps go back and take a look at that again, because members of Parliament still find it a huge problem.
Also, could you look at it from the perspective of what happens when we don't allow people in? When somebody comes here for a visit, they become an economic stimulant in the tourism industry. Not only do they go and visit sites, but the people who are their hosts all of a sudden find themselves going to Niagara Falls or the CN Tower, which they probably wouldn't be doing. So it really is an economic opportunity lost. I wonder if you could take a look at that in the future.