I have a second question. I'm new to this file and this Parliament. I don't have a huge immigration workload within my own riding, so I'm certainly not an expert on it. But as a layperson, I can say that when you ask people which departments run well and which ones don't run so well in Ottawa, I don't think this one would get a high mark. A lot of people think it's very slow and that it takes years and years to make decisions. I appreciate why that's true in some cases, but I just think, in terms of perception....
In terms of goal-setting, we hear a lot of talk about this top-line number, 250,000 or 300,000 a year, or 1% of the population. It's a great number to use in a speech, but I mean, you're not going to say zero or two. I'm not sure it was a very rigorous process that came up with 1% in the first place. We seem to be about 250,000 and that's a number that seems to get tracked. But I'm not sure how useful that number is in terms of tracking the efficiency or effectiveness of this department. It may somehow measure what its capacity is, how many decisions they can spit out, etc.
Are there some other measuring tools or other numbers we should be looking at in terms of measuring the performance of this organization--for example, how long it takes them to deal with a file? Is there a process in place that on average it takes a year to deal with something, and if it gets to two years it's automatically bumped into a separate process and there's some requirement for it to be dealt with more quickly? If we wanted to identify two or three measurements in this department that would actually give us a better sense of how well they're doing their job, what might they be?