The very capable staff of the Library of Parliament have 18 questions written for us on the undocumented workers and around 16 on the temporary foreign workers. If I may, Mr. Chairman, I would like to have the answers. Obviously I only have five minutes and can't get answers to all these very good questions; perhaps the witnesses can respond directly to the clerk or the chair. I would like to see written responses as well.
Mr. Chairman, I notice that Mr. Linklater's statement opens by saying the issues of undocumented foreign workers and temporary foreign workers are complex. Whenever I see that phraseology, a red flag goes up, because sometimes things being complex really require non-answers. Sometimes you get non-answers on the issues because they are in fact complex.
I'm just wondering, since you opened up with that statement, what plans you have to make this issue a little more simple to understand, or to simplify the process through which we can get actual answers to these challenges.