You asked me whether I know of other countries, and then do I support. Yes, I know of other countries. You could look to Europe. Prior to the expansion of the EU, Polish workers were allowed into Germany under these conditions; that is, they had the right to convert their original visa to a secondary employment as long as it was in the same sector, the same general description. The Germans made sure this wasn't an indefinite procedure. They tied it very clearly to training, so the Polish workers had to be given training in the German sector. This was to get the goodwill of the Polish country as well as the Polish workers, but it was also very clever, because if you train them, there's an incentive for them to go back home.
The second thing, as I mentioned before, is there were always sunset clauses in these. You couldn't do this indefinitely for any one worker. I think it's worked in the German case, but it's very expensive to monitor.