Thank you very much, and thank you for the opportunity to address the committee.
Today I appear before the committee to speak about two issues. One is immigration consultants, and, more important, the other is the undocumented workers. Unfortunately, due to an administrative oversight and problems, I have to forgo the second issue. In the interests of time, I'll leave my speaking notes with the members so they can look at them at their leisure.
The issue was that we were looking specifically at the rights of the employer as opposed to just the workers' rights. I think it's an important piece that's missing from the discourse about foreign workers.
I invite you to take a look at those speaking notes and perhaps take those notes into consideration as you deliberate.
On the matter of regulation of immigration consultants, I wish to go on record as adding my voice in support of the points made by Ms. Gaudet and Ms. Sharief. Both submissions speak to the main challenge facing the regulating body and the members it purports to regulate, the society's lack of accountability, and its seeming inability to fulfill its mandate due to the gross inefficiencies and lack of focus that created quite a bit of grief for the system and I think for the members it purports to regulate.
I do not wish to take up the very valuable time of the committee reiterating the points that were made. There is little I can add, but I would certainly be here to entertain any questions you may have.
Thank you for this opportunity.