It's a bit different, but it's quite important to say. There's a difference between giving automatic permanent residency to someone who has been working legally for ten years and allowing them to file a claim in Canada, and then they find themselves on an equal footing with all those who've filed claims.
Ms. Byl, you also talked about the disastrous bureaucratic problems we are facing. There has been a lack of immigration commissioners for a number years, and that's a situation of concern. Waiting lists have increased. Do you not believe to some extent that is getting people to get around the system? Others have told us that among the refugee claimants there are many people who should make immigration claims, but since it takes so long, they try to get around the system by making refugee claims in order to expedite the process. Others simply work illegally and don't even go through the trouble of obtaining a status.
Do you believe the so-called anarchy that we might see within the immigration system is not a way to turn the system itself?