My motion is certainly in the same vein and on the same page, and as I've heard from Madame Faille, not only do we have in question the individuals from the United States, but there are other countries that we must consider.
If a country has mandatory service and that country tomorrow were to decide to go into Iraq, and the people from that country decided, for whatever reason, enough is enough, they're not going to stick around to go there, as we had the draft dodgers from the Vietnam war, and they're going to go to Canada and seek refuge, we also have to consider that perspective.
So I would agree that we should consult stakeholders, individuals and groups—the Quakers, for example. I've had a lot of representations, and I've had a lot of representations from individuals. So the steering committee should certainly consider this, but by the same token, there are other issues that we were dealing with in the past that cannot afford to be put on the back burner.
There's a letter I've sent to you that I would like to address.